Great big sea hove in long beach
Right fol da fol the diddle i do
Great big sea hove in long beach
Granny Snooks, she lost her speech
To me right fol tiddy fol day
Great big sea hove in the harbor
Great big sea hove in the harbor
Hove right into Keogh's Parlor
Oh dear mother I wants a sack
Beads and buttons all down the back
My boot is broke my foot is tore
Georgie Snooks I do adore
Fish is low and flour is high
Georgie Snooks he can't have I
But he can have me in the fall
If he won't, I'll hoist me sail
Bid goodbye to old Kinnail
Great big sea Hove in long beach
Right fol da fol the diddle i do
Great big sea hove in long beach
Granny Snooks, she lost her speach
To me right fol tiddy fol day