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Whorecore is an Israeli deathgrind band and was formed in early 2003 by Tomer Jones (vocals), Assaf Meidan (drums) and Nir Doliner (guitar) who called in Yaron Shacham (original bass player) Eran Segal (guitar) and Ariel Ron (vocals) to complete the initial line up.The correct band's mamber is:Vocals - Zion Mizrahi , Ariel RonGuitars - Nir Doliner Drums - Assaf MeidanBass - Evil HaimSeveral weeks after the bands' ignition they started pursuing their goal to play as much shows as possible with total disregard to the type of venue or their own personal safety on stage.After intense months of playing (and injuries) the band gathered audiences ranging from metal to the punk and hardcore scenes, and through that process earned t... read more
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