Top Stolen Jars Albums
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Reality TV (Acoustic) - Single
Reality TV (Acoustic) - Single
Run It Wild (Acoustic) - Single
Run It Wild (Acoustic) - Single
I Won’t Let Me Down
I Won’t Let Me Down
A Reminder
A Reminder
Glint - EP
Glint - EP
Stolen Jars
Stolen Jars
Related Information for Stolen Jars
Stolen Jars fits parts into wholes. The songs on Kept, their upcoming album, loop and build until each element feels inseparable from those that surround it. Its orchestration is at once disorienting and complimentary. “Waves,” the album’s opener, loops agile guitar melodies, bass notes sliding underneath to give each iteration an entirely different mood. On the second single, “Kept,” singers Cody Fitzgerald and Molly Grund ebb in and out of phase before coming together for each chorus.“I’m interested in hocketing—the way two riffs begin to sound together as one,” says Fitzgerald, who wrote the album in the two years following Stolen Jars’ self-titled debut. The process, like the compositions themselves, evolved slowly. Fitzge... read more
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