Top Ludwig Hirsch Albums
click on the album covers to see ludwig hirsch lyrics inside the album
Himmelblau & Dunkelgrau - Die ultimative Liedersammlung
Himmelblau & Dunkelgrau - Die ultimative Liedersammlung
In Ewigkeit Damen
In Ewigkeit Damen
Ludwig Hirsch: Seine besten Lieder
Ludwig Hirsch: Seine besten Lieder
Perlen (Remastered)
Perlen (Remastered)
Komm großer schwarzer Vogel
Komm großer schwarzer Vogel
Related Information for Ludwig Hirsch
LUDWIG HIRSCH (born on 28 Feb 1946 in Weinberg/Styria) is an Austrian singer/songwriter and actor. He started his musical career in 1978 with the album "Dunkelgraue Lieder" (Darkgrey songs).On November 24, 2011 Hirsch committed suicide, by jumping from a window at Wilhelminenspital, a major hospital in Vienna. He was 65.Discography:1978 "Dunkelgraue Lieder" (Darkgrey songs)1979 "Komm, grosser schwarzer Vogel" (Come, big black bird)1980 "Zartbitter" (Bittersweet)1982 "Bis zum Himmel hoch" (High up to the sky)1983 "Bis ins Herz" (Into the heart)1984 "6 - Traurige Indianer + Unfreundliche Kellner" (6 - Sad Indians + Unfriendly Waiters)1986 "Landluft" (Countr... read more
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