Top Innerwish Albums
click on the album covers to see innerwish lyrics inside the album
Cult Of The Blind - Single
Cult Of The Blind - Single
No Turning Back
No Turning Back
Inner Strength
Inner Strength
Silent Faces
Silent Faces
Waiting for the Dawn
Waiting for the Dawn
Related Information for Innerwish
Formed 1995 in Athens, Greece, Innerwish is definitely one of the most influential melodic metal bands from their part of Europe. After releasing their debut album “Waiting for the dawn” in 1998 and the split cd “Realms of the night” together with the band Reflection in 2000 things really started to take off for Innerwish. A deal with the German label Limb was made and the albums “Silent faces” and “Inner strength” was released, with great response around the world, especially in Europe and Japan.During these years Innerwish also established themselves as a great live act, and supported bands like Helloween, UDO, Brainstorm, Mystic Prophecy and appeared at festivals together with among others Judas Priest, Manowar, Th... read more
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