Top American Head Charge Albums
click on the album covers to see american head charge lyrics inside the album
Tango Umbrella
Tango Umbrella
Shoot - EP
Shoot - EP
Can't Stop the Machine
Can't Stop the Machine
The Feeding
The Feeding
The War of Art
The War of Art
Related Information for American Head Charge
American Head Charge, the Minneapolis-based metal band, which had its genesis when Cameron Heacock and Chad Hanks crossed paths in a Minnesota rehab facility in 1997, has up to now been known primarily for the radically dysfunctional behavior of the band members."We were definitely out of control on our first tour, Ozzfest 2001," Mr. Banks admits. "It wasn't enough to just play our music; we also had to fire shotguns on stage and throw pigheads at the crowd. Chalk it up to a desperate bid for attention." The Head Charge rap sheet - which also includes getting into bloody brawls with their fans, smashing equipment they couldn't afford to replace, reacquainting themselves with hard drugs and occasionally b... read more
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