Top Albert Pla Albums
click on the album covers to see albert pla lyrics inside the album
Experiencia Religiosa - Single
Experiencia Religiosa - Single
Bombas en Madrid (feat. Alfred García) - Single
Bombas en Madrid (feat. Alfred García) - Single
¿Os Acordáis? - EP
¿Os Acordáis? - EP
La Diferencia
La Diferencia
Vida y Milagros
Vida y Milagros
Cançons d'Amor i Droga
Cançons d'Amor i Droga
Anem al Llit?
Anem al Llit?
Albert Pla Supone a Fonollosa
Albert Pla Supone a Fonollosa
No Sólo de Rumba Vive el Hombre
No Sólo de Rumba Vive el Hombre
Aquí S'acaba El Que Es Donava
Aquí S'acaba El Que Es Donava
Ho Sento Molt
Ho Sento Molt
Related Information for Albert Pla
Albert Pla-Àlvarez (born 22 September, 1966 in Sabadell, Barcelona) is a Catalan singer-songwriter.His musical creations and his concerts mix an infantile, controversial, provocative and condemnatory tone, which makes it very difficult to classify within any established musical type. Pla has also collaborated in film productions such as “Airbag”, directed by Juanma Bajo Ulloa; Isabel Coixet’s “A los que aman” (To Those Who Love); and “Honor de cavalleria” (Honour of Chivalry) by Albert Serra. He also played a prominent role in Helmut Krausser’s play “Caracuero” (Leatherface) in over 150 performances.... read more
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