Top Admiral Angry Albums
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A Fire To Burn Down The World
A Fire To Burn Down The World
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Related Information for Admiral Angry
Admiral Angry is an aggressively bottom heavy sludgecore band from Los Angeles, California. The band formed in 2004 and their first album to be released, Buster, was released in 2008 on Sentient Recordings marking the return of their original singer, Chris Lindblad, who did vocals on their "9/11...Only Worse" EP, when they were more of a grindcore band.Between 9/11 and Buster, the band recorded an album known as "Albania", but it was not released due to various conflicts with their former vocalist.All of Admiral Angry's music was written by Daniel Kraus, who tragically passed away in February of 2009.The band has stated on myspace that they will be recording one more EP entitled "A Fire to Burn Do... read more
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