Take a look around
This is what it's now
It's a little bridge now baby
It's a little bridge now
Just a photograph
Kinda makes me laugh
It's a little kid now baby
Some little kid
If I could solve your problems
What do you think I would be
One stupid seagull
Picking styrofoam up out of the sea
Don't have time
Don't have time
Don't have time for all your problems
Why don't you solve them
Take a look around
This is what it's now
It's a little bridge now baby
It's a little bridge now
Just a photograph
Kinda makes me laugh
It's a little kid now
A pudgy dumb little kid
If I could solve your problems
What do you think I would see
All of my beautiful banquet receipts
Have been laid out for me
It's been played out for me
Don't have time
For your fear, and your (tea?)
And your criminal beefs
And your joy and your sweet little boy
And you're trapped in your sphere
I'm sorry my dear
No one's home
I couldn't hear you and now I think I've lost you I could'v'e made it
And you would think that's good
Don't remember feeling older any worse than feeling wooden and alone
Wooden and alone
[Generally incomprehensible snippets of words]
The only part I'm really unsure about is "For your fear, and your (tea?)
And your criminal beefs". Other than that, I think I got it pretty much