Glutton--over consumption. Consume it all, everything in
sight. No control, never-ending feeding frenzy. Laziness-
-don't move, let your dinner come to you. Lie in your
filth. Expand and rot. Dig your grave. Eat the soil.
Vomit. Bury yourself repeat. Keep digging. Eat yourself
into the grave. The path is paved with the garbage on
which you feed. Let your huger consume your every
thought. Do not stop until you cease to be. Feed your fat
ass. That's it, keep eating. Eat your life away. Keep
filling your stomach until it bursts. You live in disgust
with yourself. There is no cure where there is no will.
Morbid obesity spreads throughout the masses like a
disease. Self-control has become obsolete. We all must
feed far beyond our needs.