Top Devil's Gift Albums
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Devil's Gift
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At her young age of only 26 years - Lennon Murphy reached a lot of status and has gone through a similar amount of hard times. The early death of her mother and the fight for custody for her only 8 year old sister if just a piece of what Lennon is writing about with her new band DEVILS GIFT.For this, the musician, who was known simply as Lennon, could win non other but Jason Suecof, known for his masterpiece work for Metal-bands like Trivium, Chimaira or All That Remains. Together with him and drummer Dave Elitch, the trio managed to record a both emotional and also heavy album.Final Words explodes of groovy guitars , gripping rhythms and catchy hooklines that go directly under your skin. Wrapped in a Suecof-like powerful sound-wall, the si... read more
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