Top Bin Albums
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NEON - Single
NEON - Single
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Related Information for Bin
Bin originally debuted as a member of Luv, a 3-girl band. Since the band broke up in the end of 2002, Bin has been continuing her career in the entertainment world as an actress. She starred in various television soap operas and a number of movies including “Ryoung” and “Wet Dreaming 2.” Although she made an attempt to come back on the stage as a singer by releasing a single in 2003, Bin couldn’t receive great spotlights on the pop music scene. However, by releasing her first solo album in 2005, Bin emerged as one of the hottest sexy female vocalists in the local pop music world. Real name : Jeon Hye-binDate of birth : September 27th, 1983Education : Kyewon Arts High School, Department of Drama and Visual... read more
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