Top Project Silence Albums
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Slave to the Machine
Slave to the Machine
Related Information for Project Silence
Project Silence is an industrial metal band from Kuopio, Finland. Project Silence is a Finnish band from the Heart of Northern Savonia which was formed in 2008 by Delacroix on the idea to make aggrotech based music with a mix of metal and industrial.Starting out as a solo project, Project Silence released free demos between 2008-2009, which were all highly acclaimed and receiving positive response from the listeners around the world. At the time songs floated under oppressive atmosphere of dark electro and aggrotech. In late 2008 Silve_R (Rieti Jauhiainen), J (Jani Savolainen) and Mr. Sanderz (Petri Hietikko) joined. In summer 2009 band started to work on their first official album with Petja Turunen (MC Raaka Pee).... read more
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