Top 6th Awakening Albums
click on the album covers to see 6th awakening lyrics inside the album
Hamn - EP
Hamn - EP
Järtecknen - EP
Järtecknen - EP
Psycho Path
Psycho Path
Deadincide (Demo Versions) - EP
Deadincide (Demo Versions) - EP
Related Information for 6th Awakening
6th Awakening was born in the autumn of 2001 with a wish of combining the various influences of the members and make something new. This to make an awakening for the listener musically as well as lyrically. Thus the peculiar sound took form. The startup setting of the band:Drums - Mikael, Guitar - Mathias.H, Robert, Bass - Christer, Vocals - LovisaThe members of the band has generally been the same, with an exception of the bass player. Christer played the bass on the first recording. During the summer of 2003, Christer choose to leave since his undertaking in his other band - Auberon, acquired a lot of time. From that time Mathias.J entered the band. He did not only suit 6th Awakening, but also constituted the last piece of... read more
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