Top Lost In The Trees Albums
click on the album covers to see lost in the trees lyrics inside the album
Past Life
Past Life
A Church That Fits Our Needs
A Church That Fits Our Needs
All Alone In an Empty House
All Alone In an Empty House
Time Taunts Me
Time Taunts Me
Related Information for Lost In The Trees
Lost in the Trees is an experimental indie-pop band comprised of Ari Picker on guitars and keyboards, Mark Daumen on bass and tuba, Emma Nadeau on piano, and Joah Tunnell on guitar. Their most recent album, Past Life (2014), is considerably stripped down from the orchestral approach of its predecessors, All Alone In An Empty House, and A Church That Fits Our Needs.Lost In The Trees was known, until recently, as a folk orchestra from Chapel Hill, NC, led by composer and songwriter Ari Picker. Initially a bedroom recording project, Lost in the Trees grew from a solo effort to a full symphonic band, which sometimes numbered a dozen members. After releasing his self-titled album on Trekky Records, Ari attended the prestigious Berklee Sc... read more
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