Top Draft Albums
click on the album covers to see draft lyrics inside the album
Маяк - Single
Маяк - Single
Зима - Single
Зима - Single
Всё в одной могиле
Всё в одной могиле
Сонце - EP
Сонце - EP
Сонце - Single
Сонце - Single
Grimy Scraps - EP
Grimy Scraps - EP
Patience & Time - EP
Patience & Time - EP
From Inside - EP
From Inside - EP
Left Behind - EP
Left Behind - EP
Pillage - EP
Pillage - EP
Makeshift Constellations - EP
Makeshift Constellations - EP
Metamorphosis - EP
Metamorphosis - EP
Harmonic Distortion
Harmonic Distortion
The Draft Digital - EP
The Draft Digital - EP
Slow-Motion Suicide
Slow-Motion Suicide
In a Million Pieces
In a Million Pieces
Dombok felett
Dombok felett
Related Information for Draft
1) French Emo Band« Draft translates urgency, the need for catharsis through music » Take it or leave it ! After putting out their first MCD « Stockholm Syndrome » (Overcome distribution) they played lots of gigs with Shai hulud, Since By Man, Nostromo, Burn Hollywood Burn, Amanda Woodward, Tang Draft are now working on their first album. Their music takes place between furious rockn roll and tense emocore influenced by eNVy, Refused, Neurosis, Botch 2) Hungarian Trance Band... read more
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