Top Damh The Bard Albums
click on the album covers to see damh the bard lyrics inside the album
Raise the Flag of Green
Raise the Flag of Green
Y Mabinogi: The Third Branch
Y Mabinogi: The Third Branch
Y Mabinogi: The Second Branch
Y Mabinogi: The Second Branch
Y Mabinogi: The First Branch
Y Mabinogi: The First Branch
Antlered Crown and Standing Stone
Antlered Crown and Standing Stone
As Nature Intended
As Nature Intended
Tales from the Crow Man
Tales from the Crow Man
The Cauldron Born
The Cauldron Born
Spirit of Albion
Spirit of Albion
Herne's Apprentice
Herne's Apprentice
The Hills They Are Hollow
The Hills They Are Hollow
Related Information for Damh The Bard
Damh the Bard is a Druid whose spirituality is expressed through his music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic traditions his performances are both entertaining and educational, weaving a tapestry of myth, peace, and Pagan anthems that speak directly to the heart, but never without a good splash of humour. Leaving academia to those better qualified, Damh works within that world of myth that cannot be proved; where the Faerie really do dance on Midsummer's Eve, where the trees talk, and the Hollow Hills take you into the realms of Annwn. Where the Goddess rides her horse, guiding you to magic, and the Horned God of old calls us from the shadows of the Greenwood. So relax, and let the music and words take you there.And he is... read more
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