Top Anna Coddington Albums
click on the album covers to see anna coddington lyrics inside the album
Te Whakamiha
Te Whakamiha
Mōhou Rā - Single
Mōhou Rā - Single
Kātuarehe - Single
Kātuarehe - Single
Mana-Wā-Hine - EP
Mana-Wā-Hine - EP
Luck / Time
Luck / Time
Cat & Bird
Cat & Bird
Duchess - EP
Duchess - EP
The Lake
The Lake
Related Information for Anna Coddington
Anna Coddington is one of New Zealand's foremost heroines of independent pop music. She independently released her debut solo record "The Lake" in 2008 on her label Tea Set Records. Anna is currently producing, along with her guitarist Ned Ngatae, her second album, due for release early 2011. The first single off that forthcoming album is called "Bolt" and has just been released on iTunes (NZ) and!Management: read more
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