Top Pencey Prep Albums
click on the album covers to see pencey prep lyrics inside the album
Heartbreak In Stereo
Heartbreak In Stereo
Related Information for Pencey Prep
Pencey Prep was born from the rubble of Sector 12, a band which Frank Iero started when he was in high school. Sector 12 had done their final tour and asked old friend John Hambone Mcguire to play bass because at the time the drummer had been kicked out and bass player Bruno Rocha needed to switch to drums. PS. This was before Hambone had even aquired the name Hambone, but that's a completely different story. So Pencey Prep originally was going to be named "Whatch You Talkin Bout Willis" until Hambone gave Frank the challenge of either naming the band by the next day or using the name he had come up with. So looking to Catcher in The Rye Frank came up with the name Pencey Prep, the school from which Holde... read more
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