Top Ace Augustine Albums
click on the album covers to see ace augustine lyrics inside the album
The Sick and Suffering
The Sick and Suffering
The Absolute
The Absolute
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Related Information for Ace Augustine
"Metalcore" band out of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Forever the underdog, fighting for our place. New album, out Spring 2013, on Red Cord Records.Biography:Ace Augustine, hailing from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania was formed back in early 2008 by guitarist/vocalist Tyler Chadwick and original bassist, now guitarist, Spencer Barnett. The band played the local scene throughout high school and began to play shows in other parts of Pennsylvania in 2009 and were signed to Strike First/Facedown Records a year later. While the band did manage to do a few tours and get some looks their way, their revolving line up changes forced them to break up in 2011. But because of a large outcry from their fans, they decided to get back together... read more
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