Top 2 Headed Chang Albums
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Dead City Rodeo
Dead City Rodeo
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A bio should really point a reader in the direction they need to go. Not blast him and sugarcoat something to make it stand out from what it really is. Bios now days are just a joke, but a necessary evil. The typical bios that describe "Thundering bass lines, crunchy riffs, bone-crushing drums" etc, just need to stop. There are too many bands out today that have the same bio. What the "Changstas" want a reader to understand is that they have put their time in the trenches, love what they do and have a great time doing it. That's basically it. No bone-crushing or ear-shattering, make you poop your pants anything. Just good ole' heavy rock and roll. It's a rock show for Christ's sake! It's really a... read more
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