Top Kevin Ceballo Albums
click on the album covers to see kevin ceballo lyrics inside the album
Un Día Mas - Single
Un Día Mas - Single
Jurame (Salsa) - Single
Jurame (Salsa) - Single
Ven Te Estado Esperando
Ven Te Estado Esperando
Yo Soy Ese Hombre
Yo Soy Ese Hombre
Mi Primer Amor
Mi Primer Amor
Related Information for Kevin Ceballo
Ceballo's parents immigrated from Puerto Rico and settled in Manhattan where Ceballo was born.Ceballo attended the famed High School of the Performing Arts in New York. There he dreamed of pursuing a career in singing and acting. At times when he was not in school, Ceballo would sing as back-up for any local salsa group that would require his services.In 1997, Ceballo caught the attention of pianist Isidro Infante, while singing at a local night club. Infante was impressed with Kevin and asked him if he would like to join his group as one of the lead singers.The year 2000, was the year that Ceballo made his debut as a solo singer, when he recorded his CD 'Mi Primer Amor" (My First Love). The CD also featured two other composi... read more
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