Top A+ Albums
click on the album covers to see a+ lyrics inside the album
Waktu Kan Menjawab - Single
Waktu Kan Menjawab - Single
O Laboratório Convida, Ep. 03: Achou Que Eu Tava Brincando?
O Laboratório Convida, Ep. 03: Achou Que Eu Tava Brincando?
Step Out - EP
Step Out - EP
Hempstead High
Hempstead High
The Latch-Key Kid
The Latch-Key Kid
Related Information for A+
There is more than one artist with this name:1) A is a British alternative rock band. 2) A is a Japanese visual rock bandBritish alternative rock band:They formed in 1995 in Suffolk, England. The original line up was the three brothers: Jason Perry (Vocals), Adam Perry (Drums) and Giles Perry (Keyboard), with two friends Mark Chapman (Guitar) and Steve Swindon (Bass). Swindon quit the band in 1997 and was replaced by Daniel P. Carter.After changing their name from 'Grand Designs' and abandoning their early progressive-inspired sound for a more punky feel, they released their début album "How Ace Are Buildings" in 1997. The second album; "A vs. Monkey Kong", followed in 1999. Monkey Kong was a more poppy record... read more
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