Top Ordinance Albums
click on the album covers to see ordinance lyrics inside the album
Glowing - Single
Glowing - Single
The Ides of March
The Ides of March
Internal Monologues
Internal Monologues
Related Information for Ordinance
There is more than one artists under the name is a four piece Progressive Death Metal act based out of Frederick, Maryland, USA. The band is comprised of vocalist, Mike Semesky; guitarist, Greg Macklin; guitarist, Gunter Ostendorp; and drummer, Alex Rudinger. Originated by Macklin and Rudinger in 2009 as a two piece, Ordinance joined forces with guitarist Ostendorp shortly thereafter, and began writing for the debut album Internal Monologues. Throughout the writing process, each new song found its way to YouTube via Rudinger's drum video releases, which brought about an ever-growing online audience, waiting for a product from the trio. The vision of the album and pressure from an eager fan bas... read more
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