Top Infected Albums
click on the album covers to see infected lyrics inside the album
Two Clips - Single
Two Clips - Single
FadeIIBlack - The Album
FadeIIBlack - The Album
Toxic Flames
Toxic Flames
Burn the Track
Burn the Track
Burner Up 3
Burner Up 3
Burner up 2
Burner up 2
Burner Up
Burner Up
No Signal
No Signal
APLT - Underground - Single
APLT - Underground - Single
Cruel World
Cruel World
It's Been a Long Way Down
It's Been a Long Way Down
Infected Generation
Infected Generation
Me Gusta - EP
Me Gusta - EP
Breatless Kiss On the Lips of Melancholia
Breatless Kiss On the Lips of Melancholia
Infected twitter Infected mp3
Related Information for Infected
There are at least seven artists which use this name:1. A metal band from Germany2. A death metal band from Switzerland3. An industrial band from Australia4. A thrash metal band from Iceland5. A progressive death metal band from Latvia6. A punk band from the United States7. A death grind band from the Ukraine1. A metal band from Sinzig, Germany, who defined their style as modern death metal. The 5 friends released 2 EPs: "Coma" (2007) and "Branded" (2009, Web-EP). Both EPs are available for free download on their website. Infected was founded in 2004 and disbanded in 2011 to get involved in several follow-up... read more
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